Σε λίγο θα μας στήσουν και άγαλμα...

Νομίζω ότι κάποιοι ανησυχούν πολυ...
κάποιος να τους πει ότι ονόματα στους δρόμους βάζουμε σε όποιον δεν βρίσκεται πια αναμεσά μας...χεχε
Labels: gay
Hoç Geldiniz, dοstumler! Here you can read about the ideas, impressions of Alximist. 他是希腊人可是在德国出生。她在北京汉一年半语学习。Αν και στην τροπικη Βραζιλια, η σκεψη του ταξιδευει παντα στα πατρια εδαφη. Viajante, estudante de las diversas culturas humanas. Acredita em uma vida espiritual, em busca daquelas experiencias,que nossa alma precisa para melhorar. Glucklicherweise seit 2005 er lebt und arbeitet mit sein Partner zusammen.
Labels: gay
Zeus is the main greek god of the greek mythology. As a paternal figure and strick authoritarian god, people did not really made offerings to him, because it is easier to ask for something a god more feminine or someone to do your little wish come true than ask Zeus himself (it is not also random that he was punishing others or even taking advandange of his pwer and abuse humans - male and female humas were registered to have an intercourse and even give birth to gods like apolo and artemis).
In Athens one of the many site is Zeus temple, a structure that was one of the highest and ambicious projects in ancient era. Today some colomns remains still make us admire of this past. Still better than the remains of his temple in Olympia.
I never imagined that Zeus would play a serius role in my life. And it wasn´t really me who manifestated this. It all happened when D. arrived for the first time in Athens, the moment he went out form the plane we felt the chills all over his body. The same thing happened to him in Bahia. There the spirituals in Bahia identified him as a man of the godess Iasan. Iasan is an african godess equivalent to Santa Barbara in Catholisism. Her religious colours is yellow or red depending the interpretentions. She comands the wind and the thunder. Coincidence, but Zeus also commands the thunder, right?
D.´s first day was busy visiting sites and when he arrived in the temple of Zeus he was 15 minutes in a state of ecstasy with no aparent reason. He got the chills all this time. Then he started to sing songs of Maria Betânia, a song about Zeus..calling his as the god of the sky with no gods anymore, god of the atheist, asking him to show up, show his presence and I think that Zeus hasn´t received any complements for a long time...so maybe he liked that brasilian guy.
Well today I know that when D. got the chills, he feels the prensence of spirits or the change of energy in the environment....
So next day he met me in one of the greek islands, our meeting had a strange, strong and absulute and impossible to explain experience. But what started as a simple flert, immediatly was evident that it was something driven by a force stronger than logic. D. thinks that Zeus made him this present to meet me. My interpretation is a little different but who knows maybe he did help a little bit...
Next thing I know is that we went to the temple again, and D. made a macumba in the homenage of Zeus, which is offering yellow and red flowers and sang one more time for Zeus. Ok, I was acompanying him, and I honestly like his attitude, even if it was strange for me...
Well all these of course lead us together living in Brazil and still not having had one fight between us. Choices against all odds, that so far had a good outcome...
So, we named our company by the name of Zeus and Iansan, as if two of them got married...
This is our private myth, that has more little stories which maybe one day I will write here...
As Karl Jung said, myths are an essential part of the well beeing of men..(ok, in a free translation)
Now enjoy Maria Betânia singing...
Να πω ότι η εκδοχή Κοκα κόλα με λεμόνι εδώ στηνΒραζιλία είναι πιο συμπαθητική...Πάντως εγώ προτιμώ να πινω το εθνικό Βραζιλίανικο αναψυκτικό Γκουαρανά...
Το όνομα της Κοκα κολα στα κινέζικα διαβάζεται κεκουκελε
Πολύ έξυπνο μια και συνδιάζει τους χαρακτήρες στόμα και εύγεστο... εύηχο για τους κινέζους έχει φυσικά κατακτήσει εκείνο τον λαό που έπινε απλά τσάϊ. Βλέπετε το μάρκετινγκ είναι ικανό να σε πείσει να αγοράσεις κάτι που δεν έχει καμμιά χρησιμότητα...