Well, latetly Dan, tries to persuade me to start eating meat again. The reason is beause he talked to a ortomolecular doctor and he told him that anyone that has O type of blood like me, cannot be vegeterian in the long run. On the contrary the A type is ideal for beeing vegeterian.
I do not know if this is true. First of all I adimt that Dan beeing the same blood type like me, he suffered a lot while he tried not to eat meat (which was his own decision), and felt much better once he started eating again.
In my case I never felt significant difference.
My motive for not eating meat, is ethical, and spiritual. I believe that eating meat is a big myth, and by eating meat you incorporate much worse elements than by vegeterian diet.
My main task is to spiritualy to clean up and prepare my mediunic state.
On the bottom line I feel I must insist in this... and if others can do it, my spirit can too.
I would like to hear your opinion on the matter.
I suggest you read before this
postLabels: ecology, personal