Tinha que ir ao São Paulo. Nossa que coisa, tinha um transito terrivel... quasi 2 horas de Guarulhos para a saida de Bandeirantes... Nunca vi uma coisa dessa... gracias a deus não moro nesta cidade! Como os paulistas aguentam isso? Na minha reunião demorei chegar. Lá o Doutor comentou o transito da Atenas...imagina! Não tem comparação!!!

I had to go to Sao Paolo for bussiness meetings and pick up a Spanich professor from the airport. The traffic was really terible. Even on the highway to the airport was moving slow.

The capital of Sao Paolo is about 20 milion inhabitants, and the city is surrounded by these huge rivers. The highways on the banks of the rivers is marginal Tiete and Pinheros. Only weekend the situation is normal. I have the impresion that the main problem is all these trucks heading to the Santos port. I spent some 2 hours form the airport to the highway heading to my city, wich should be less than hour under normal cisrcumstances... it was awful...

In one of the meetings I delayed almost an hour... the doctor commented the trafic of Athens...Imagine, there is no comparisson! We are talking about a city of 20 millions and Athens is 4milion...
To be honest driving or should I say waiting in the car in Marginal tiete, it did remind me the old Kifisson avenue, with the little river before the Olympics...Although I think that todays situation might not be that nice as in my memories... I think building highways is not a solution to the problem... The best way would be to help the economy outside the big city centers, then less people would move there...
When I think that there are some persons doing this everyday...
So I wrote that post as a complaint, but then I found these 2 nice pictures and tought that even the ugliest situation can have some beuty if you intent to make it better...

Still I will avoid the maximum visiting during the week SP...Damn this monday I have to give a lift to the spanish professor again...
sometimes waiting in the trafic, look high mayb there is an UFO marginal tiête having a laugh at you..
Labels: personal, turism
Realmente morrar nesta Cidade é castigo ....quanto a tradução não é um serviço do Blloger. faça o seguinte coloca o seguinte codigo --->
Onde o xxxx é o nome do seu blog ....
se tiver duvidas me avise ok !
mariposo, foi uma grande ajuda...depois descubri como traduzir grego, o qual foi mais complicado.
Então agora podes leer meu blog em portugues do Brasil!
Muito Obrigado!
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