Megaconstruções - Megaconstructions
Have you seen in the national geographic or similar tv chanels, a series called megaconstructions?
Amazing projects that need huge coordination and one wrong movement can destoy everything?
Well, this post, will be about something that I experienced this August...
A crazy idea, that resulted our building to be the 2nd place in Latin America to have this.
A retractable cupola, weighting some tons...
A retractable cupola, weighting some tons...
Thank God everything went well and what you see bellow happened within 2 hours...
Now if you want to experience the result of this, you may organize an event here and open the roof to enjoy the stars on the sky while dining...We created also a virtual visit here.
Well, maybe at a later post, I will put more about it..

estas 2 horas até terminar isso eram longas...mais compensou o risco... Quiem quiser fazer uma visita virtual pode visitar o site do terraço alphaville eventos . O espaço existe em Campinas, só falta divulgação agora... Quiem visitou ficou com a boca aberta...

Realmente, somos muito orgulhosos por isso...
Μια σειρά από φωτογραφίες με όλες τις φάσεις της μεταφοράς του τρούλου μετά την συναρμολόγησή του. Γερανός που σήκωσε τους τόνους της μεταλικής κατασκευής ολοκλήρωσε την αποστολή του μέσα σε 2 ώρες. 2 ώρες σχετιής αγωνίας αν όλα θα πάνε καλά, όπως και τελικά έγινε. Σήμερα το αποτέλεσμα είναι πολύ εντυπωσιακό. Προορίζεται για έναν χώρο για χοροεσπερίδες και άλες διοργανώσεις. Στο λινκ μορειτε να δείτε την εκδοχή virtual.
Amigo vocês estão de Parabéns, a construção está muito legal mesmo.
Parabéns ....
Oi querido!
foi uma coisa marcante...
e ainda estamos na luta...
um abraço
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