Sunday, May 13, 2007

Sunday activities

Today, we resolved to prepare and hang all these painting that we bought yesterday in the center of the spiritual paintings. (see previous post) It was a very creative work and highly artistic. It is not everyday that you hang on your wall a painting by such famous french impresionists...

The most briliant was the last one, that has a neon light on the back and illuminates the painting stressing even more the divine look of the personality looking to the sky.

Well, later a boredom made me wanted to sleep so much, that I demanded to go back home.... but since it is mother day, and 6 hours diference with Athens is an important factor, had to call to mum...and then I started to tell all the yesterday events, well definatly a different reality for her...

Then called to a another friend and was telling her all about it for an hour os so.... The yesterday live painting activities are still on my mind. I think that it is a very powerful experience to be present to somthing like this.

Then got too late, and lost my need to get a nap...

Today I discovered an intersting blogger in campinas. Liked his a lot, he reminds me of me beeing extremely active in my student days. Anyway, he has an interesting fotos of the pope. The pope is in Brazil these days and it is a lot of fuss about him, but I do not watch news, and I saw this only today that he is leaving, anyway, check out the fotos here and here. Pope is not sexy but his secretary is way too hot for just the pope... rumours about them I had heard before, but I frankly do not care a bit. But if there is truth in this, I would love to be revealled! Hypocrisy is detestable...

Funny was also in the tv the way Lula the brazilian president was trying to be a host and friendly to the Pope, all the time was touching him, something that pope reacted all the time with certain surprise. Well Lula is not Georg of course...

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Blogger Leo Carioca said...

Olha por incrível que pareça, teve até uma atitude do Lula no encontro com o papa que eu gostei: ele determinou que o Brasil continua sendo Estado laico, sem ser dirigido por religião nenhuma.
E o Lula dar uma dentro é meio difícil, né?rsrs

5/16/2007 1:33 AM  
Blogger Asfaz said...

Você já ouviu falar em Angela Coutinho, que faz pinturas mediunicas com traços de Toulouse Lautrec,e muito legal, gostaria de achar alguem com traços de Kandinsky que gosto muito. Um abração

5/16/2007 8:36 PM  

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