Δελφίνια, Dolhins
Για γερά νεύρα...όποιος αντέχει ας το δει.Λένε ότι τα δελφίνια είναι τα εφυιέστερα πλάσματα του ζωικόυ βασιλείου, ισως ανώτερα από εμάς διότι έχουν αγνά συναισθήματα και όχι κακία.
'Εχοντας ζήσει στην Κίνα, ξέρω την αντιμετώπιση και την αξία που δίνουν στην ζωή γενικότερα εκεί. Νομίζω ότι πέρα από την παράδοση, η στάση τους στην μοντέρνα εποχή έχει χειροτερέψει. Είναι γνωστό το πως δρουν οι Ιάπωνες διεθνώς, καταστρέφοντας το θαλάσιο πλούτο με την υπερβολική αλιεία... Αν σε ένα πράγμα μοιάζουν οι Ιάπωνες με τους Κινέζους είναι η στάση τους στο θέμα.
Ομως πριν καταγείλετε, σκεφτείτε πως συνεισφέρετε εσείς στην καταστροφή του περιβάλλοντος...τι κάνετε για να το μειώσετε τις επιπτώσεις των δράσεων σας.
This video, is tough. I you decide to see it, be prepared. Dolphins, are one of the most inteligent creatures on the planet. They are registered to be saving human as old as ancient greek salors tails.
But before you judge them, think what is your contribution to the destruction of the planet, what do you do to minimize the effects of your daily activities?
Este video é muito realistico e não vai sentir muito bem asistindo. Antes de julgar eles, eu sugeria pensar o que voce faz para contribuir na destruição do planeta. Qual sua atitude, qual medidas voce toma para minimizar a destruição dos seus atos cotidianos?
'Εχοντας ζήσει στην Κίνα, ξέρω την αντιμετώπιση και την αξία που δίνουν στην ζωή γενικότερα εκεί. Νομίζω ότι πέρα από την παράδοση, η στάση τους στην μοντέρνα εποχή έχει χειροτερέψει. Είναι γνωστό το πως δρουν οι Ιάπωνες διεθνώς, καταστρέφοντας το θαλάσιο πλούτο με την υπερβολική αλιεία... Αν σε ένα πράγμα μοιάζουν οι Ιάπωνες με τους Κινέζους είναι η στάση τους στο θέμα.
Ομως πριν καταγείλετε, σκεφτείτε πως συνεισφέρετε εσείς στην καταστροφή του περιβάλλοντος...τι κάνετε για να το μειώσετε τις επιπτώσεις των δράσεων σας.
This video, is tough. I you decide to see it, be prepared. Dolphins, are one of the most inteligent creatures on the planet. They are registered to be saving human as old as ancient greek salors tails.
But before you judge them, think what is your contribution to the destruction of the planet, what do you do to minimize the effects of your daily activities?
Este video é muito realistico e não vai sentir muito bem asistindo. Antes de julgar eles, eu sugeria pensar o que voce faz para contribuir na destruição do planeta. Qual sua atitude, qual medidas voce toma para minimizar a destruição dos seus atos cotidianos?
Labels: ecology
δε θα το δω το βιντεο (ωρες ωρες θυμωνω τοσο πολυ μ'αυτα που δεν ξερω τι να κανω γμτ)
Ναι, πως να μην θυμόνεις, αλλά μήπως δεν είναι σας το ζαμπονάκι το συσκευασμένο στο σουπερμαρκετ το δικό μας? Τα δίστυχα τα βοωειδή, κτλ που ούτε ζουν την ζωή τους? Που περνάνε την ζωή τους να τους βυζαίνουν 24 ώρες και μετά μισότυφλα τα οδηγούν στο σφαγείο, ή ο τόνος ριο μαρε τρομαρε, που καταστρέφουν όλον τον βυθό...αυτά γίνονται εδώ, δίπλα μας. Πώς να τα καταπολεμίσουμε, αλλάζοντας τους όρους που διατηρουν ζωντανές αυτές τις πρακτικές... ϊσως απλά ελέγχοντας την κονσέρβα αν αναγράφει πως έγινε η αλείυα ή αλλάζοντας προς μια πιο οικολογική συμπεριφορά... Προσπαθώ γαμώτο, αλλά δεν είναι εύκολο...
κατεβαίνω νότιο ημισφαίρο αγαπητέ, να δω πως τα περνάτε :)
το καινούργιο μου blog [αν σου ξέφυγε] είναι
με τις υγείες σας
Horrible as it is, I'm even more stunned when people do this to other people - and noone reacts.. I'm translating a piece about Guantanamo now, they may not be chopping people's heads off, but it's close..
(And I've seen chickens run around without heads, and fish sprattle too without heads, so I'm hoping those dolphins were actually dead, even though they don't look it..)
Guantanamo is a terrible prison that is an insult to human rights. I really do not know how people can get so cruel, but this is a fact in our world. Well let's not forget that death is part of life, and that killing some creature for survival is a law of nature on earth. We all eat the meat of animals or fish, but we are isolated from the process of slaughter. So we buy nice packages of ham, and we do not associate that the ham is part of a once living pig, that was imprisoned to serve in an industrial process for one purpose, his meat and was slaughter with cruelty and then packaged in a nice plastic apearance, which was sold in a shop and consumed by any of us.
Definately all creatures suffer from violent death, and what makes it really ugly is that we abuse the power we have.
So what any of us is doing to change things? How to change these practices and mantain a moral and sustened development, respecting nature? These are the questions that we must resolve immediatly. There is already a process irreversible on this planet that we caused and it is getting worse every minute that passes.
alximist, horrível isso, mas não é julgamento meu, apenas não gostei , estou reavaliando minha posição sobre tudo isso ( Aquecimento Global, escaces de agua potavel ) sabemos que o aquecimento é irreversível, e também sei que que tudo de ruim no é somente para os mais pobres e em se tratando de um problema a nivel global, nós brasileiros somos os + pobres ou seja quando isso acontecer as grandes potências vão estar com seus ar condicionados ligados, tomando agua perrier e nós ???? fui fortemente combatido no blog por pensar assim mas essa é a realidade e não vejo uma forma de mudar .
Olha, a situação precisa mudanças em nível global sim, e com certeza quen tem mais dinhero tem outro poder, mais estas mudanças não vai ser seletivas não, ricos e pobres juntos sofreramos. Alias o Brasil é um pais com grande responsibilidade, pois tem a amazonia, e não tomou providencias para evitar o desflorestamento. No ultimo ano secarom os rios no nordeste e isso aumentará todo ano, vc não acha que isso afetuara nossa vida? Eu acho que no Brazil o povo é muito conformista, nunca tive uma rebelhão um protesto serio. No Madri milhoes de pessoa protestam quando acontece um atacke terrorista, uma destuição ambiental, etc. Na Grecia todo os periodo da guerra no Libano tinha protestos com grande participação. Aqui uma criança de 6 anos foi brutalmente assasinada e ninguem foi na rua reclamar para o gorverno tomar previdencias, só para o football o Brazil se emociona e se une.
Mais tudo bem, para mim eu posso diminuir o desastre que inhas acções fazer através de fazer reciclagem, compar produtos com uma ethica, uma attitude ambiental, mais ecologicos, etc. No passado participei na Amnestia Internacional, em Greenpeace, etc, isso não é muito, mais tem uma participação sim...ao menos soy conciente...
alximist.blogspot.com is very informative. The article is very professionally written. I enjoy reading alximist.blogspot.com every day.
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