Sunday, March 15, 2009

Economy crisis in the world

I was in Maimi for a 2 days technical training.
I was shocked from the effects of the crisis. I was in Maimi one year ago, cannot say I like the place, too american dream for my tastes. But USA is in deep troubles, this consuming society came to the dead end, the huge mega stores with big bargain deals, are closing one after the other, and what remains open is empty...
This is a normal consequence of the buble. How a country that transfered it´s production to a third country (China), that imports everything almost, increased every year the PIB? Not producing and consuming without limits, using credit (borrowing money to spent today from the future), is totally uncompatible with real development.
We all knew that this crisis would occur, the economy must have a real basis, nos speculations...
Now we will all suffer from this, until we find the right balance.
The extreme consuming model of the USA could not survive longer anymore... Westerners do not pay the real value of the products they consume. When you buy a chinese product, you know that this product was made by a 100% exploration of a chinese worker, who might not even received payment for his effort, you know that the production consitions do not respect he environmental conditions therefore poluted the production spot, maybe it has a % of a workers accident that will not be recompensated, the transfer incorporated does not include the polution of the air/sea, and the package plastic, that you throw away will polute further. And all this for a momentaneus pleasure of consumption...
Well, it is time for a change, we need to turn more consious consumers, consume from nearby production, choose labeled and certified products, recycle, etc. All our actions are coming back to us. This crisis is not anythng more than the effect of our own actions...



Anonymous Anonymous said...

amigo ainda acho que essas consequencias estão chegando aos poucos por aqui ...

Também acho que o consusmismo estava desenfreado maluco, isso vai dar uma freada nisso ...
E a mudança de valores também onde já se viu um "pessoa" que rebola alguns minutos ganhar muito mais que uma pessoa que trabalha 8 hs por dias... hoje em ml de silicones no corpo valem muito mais do que qualquer trabalho ! Isso não poderia dar certo !

4/02/2009 9:59 PM  

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