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At the same time, all other activities are increasing and start suffocating me... I think it is time to find a new employee...and this is not easy at all...
My actual one, is helping, but I do not know if I made a good it would cost me much more to stop this relation, than try to put limits and fiscalize him more...
Any way, I decided to write here, because a very good and fear friend of mine, living in Hong Kong, wrote to me ye today... A lot of memories from China came up, and also all this news about tibet and Olympic games, makes me remembering various incidents I personally experienced there.
A hidden wall painting of a Lama in a temple in the center of Lassa
I went to Tibet, while I was there. I saw what contemporary Tibet is like... it is a chinese city with a tibetan turistic center, a maginificent Potala palace, that chinese government exploits and mantains for turist reasons. The main turism is the proper Chinese, or at least it was when I went there. Still under all these harsh conditions, there is still a spirituality, that you can sence around you. I was deeply impressed by the tibetan people, ignorant as they are in their actual condition, their faith is enlightening their faces, they have one of the most beautiful and honest smiles, I haev seen. What makes me sad, seeing all these scenes on the tv, is that all this, means that evil is winning, tibetan people are the realization of the most spiritual and pacifist nations on this planet. And I definately do not thing that it is by accident that they had to confront one of the worst communist regimes in human history. It is a battle of the materialistic and spiritualistic powers. What tibetan ideal represents and their message to the rest of humanity brings is beeing destroyed, and I am deeply, sad to identify...
I do not know what the ideal solution should be, Olympic games is another ideal, should others block China? I believe that this would make the nationalist Chinese feeling be more stronger. I have the impression that by participating to the Olympic games, maybe something of the actual ideal of fraternity of nations, and respect might come through as a message.
But this is up to the chinese nation to get this message, and it would be a small percentage, since the majority will not even asstist the games on the tv...
Well, at the bottom line what Olympic games are? Is it just another event, where lots of money are spend, and people make terrible effords or abuses only for the fame (and financial outcome)... COCA COLA na other multinationals will have a great chance for their propangandistic policy, Governments expect to get benefits and internationla recognition, etc. Still there is a great chill and strong feelings, like inthis video that I personally recorder at the closing ceremony...
Anyway, last week we went to the latest show of who else? Maria Betanha. She is in a duet with Omara from the Buena Vista Social Club. I guess she must be the only survivor, and she definately confirms the statistics that women live longer... Dan was disapointed, because the motive of going to Sao Paolo was to see his godess and not a cuban old lady singing...
Still I must admit that for her age, she is performing pretty well. I personally liked the show.

By the way, what you are listening as the main theme of this blog, is a song by Maria Betanha, which I adore. She is singing about reencarnation, and the sould of a unborn baby and its impressions...
Well in May, I might be in NY (for the 2nd time in my life) and Maimi... And if I do not know this yet, is due to the VISA difficulties of that country... Since it is no turism motive, I hope they will provide me soon with this. I find it funny that I might be back to NY again, it will be a city without her twins power symbol. Anyway, I dream of a coffe with cheesepie in Manchatan together with one of my best friends that is studying there at the moment...
I also got very happy to know that the so called ALEX, succeded to get asylum as a refugee by the greek state. Of course it had to be international and national pressure, in order to make this happen. One soul is now safe... but it is sad to see all these actions that must be done in order to protect a human beeing, from a human right that Greece should automaticaly protect according to internatinal treaties that has signed... But talking and political promises is one thing, and bureaucratic reality is another... thank god this time bureaucracy lost...
This post is so rich is ideas that it may deserve another post as an answer...
About Tibet first. This is not fair : the whole economic world plus China against Tibet. I learnt some days ago why France - another "Human Rights country" - does not desapprouve chinese repression. This is because Chinese policemen have been trained by special French services, because their weapons are French, and the security system crypting the external information has been provided by French company. Money money that has become a goal and stopped being a tool.
This leads us to the Olympic Games. Have they lost their ideal power? Should we forbid publicity during the games?
And about refugees and their rights. The French office dedicated to refugees and asylum seekers has been merged since this summer to a new Ministery the Ministery of Inmigration and National Identity (!). Since January the efficiency of all ministeries has been evaluated according some criteria. For that one in particular the criteria is number of foreign people THROWN OUT from the country. Police controls have been so cruel that some people have killed themselves by jumping out from their windows.
Welcome to a new France.
Well, I remeber we were dscussing the election dilema. Well, and the winner is...
Well, money rules, maney makes the world go the singer at the cabaret is singing...
It is funny, when you think, that the french identity is builded up not at the idea of blood, as it is for greeks, germans and many europeans, it is a step back, but this is human evolution, while you step back, the german changed law, and are more open to the non ethnic german citizens, and european citizenship is created...
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